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Signatory Buildings

All BOMA/Chicago building members are encouraged to become a signatory to any or all of the three labor agreements. Benefits include:

  • Potential savings of more than $25,000 for each new covered employee over a four-year period under the janitorial contract;
  • Most-favored-employer clauses ensure BOMA/Chicago signatories receive any better terms negotiated by the unions with other bargaining units;
  • Limitations on increases in health and welfare fund and pension fund contributions by employers;
  • Staffing flexibility from negotiated work rule changes;
  • Protection from picketing, boycotts, hand billing and demonstrations;
  • Prohibition against strikes by security officers;
  • Representation by  BOMA/Chicago’s labor counsel in grievance hearings held pursuant to the labor agreements without additional cost; and
  • Designation by BOMA/Chicago of management trustees to the unions’ health and welfare funds, pension funds and training funds

The signatory forms for all three labor agreements are available for BOMA/Chicago members in the Resources section below.

For more information, please contact Rob Johnson at (312) 870-9613.

Additional resources related to this topic are exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members. To access these resources, you must be a member and you must log into the website. If you have not yet logged in, please scroll to the top of the page and click "LOGIN" to log in using your username and password. Once you log in, you will see resources relevant to this topic at the bottom of the page.